CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Top five proven benefits of walnut that make it a must have Health Tips: Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts that have innumerable properties to keep the body healthy. Apart from being rich
HEALTH US Cuts funding to Wuhan lab 'linked' with Covid pandemic Wuhan lab: The United States has cut off all funding to the Wuhan-based lab which many suspect is linked to the Covid pandemic.
HEALTH India outperforms other regions in DPT3 vaccination with record 93 % coverage rate: WHO DPT3 Vaccination: Southeast Asian region has bagged top spot in vaccination revery following pandemic, as per WHO.
HEALTH Achieve Your Fitness Goals with Tech, Stay Fit and Healthy with Top 5 Apps Fitness Apps: Fitness has indisputable advantages. But for training to be most effective, consistency and discipline are essential. Here i
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Five miraculous health benefits of aloe vera for skin, hair, and more Health Tips: Aloe Vera or Aloe barbadensis has numerous properties that provide health benefits to humans. Aloe vera is originally from
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Five benefits of Avocado that make it a must-have fruit Health Tips: Fruits are not only tasty but also beneficial for health. There are many types of nutrients found in avocado which help in keeping the body healthy.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Incorporate these seasonal fruits in your diet this monsoon Health Tips: In the rainy season, a little extra care has to be taken of health. From lifestyle to eating, caution has to be taken.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: From quinoa dosa to vegetable oat pancakes, five healthy breakfast options for diabetes patients Health Tips: If diabetes patients want to control their sugar, then they have to eat only health food items which have less oil and spices.
HEALTH Madhya Pradesh News: 'In 6-7 days we've attended 700-800 patients', Chatarpur's government hospital sounds alarm over this VIRUS Madhya Pradesh News: In Chatarpur district's government hospital 700-800 cases of Conjunctivitis were reported within a week. Doctors have
HEALTH Aspartame is safe up to a certain level, says WHO-FAO joint study Aspartame: A recent scientific study has indicated that humans can consume aspartame up to 40 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.