CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Explore top five amazing health benefits of Garlic Health Tips: Do you know that eating garlic gives relief from many health related problems and provides essential nutrients to the body.
NATION Revolutionising Maternal Health in India: The 2023 Janani Suraksha Yojana Unravelling the transformative power of the 2023 Janani Suraksha Yojana in India. Discover how this initiative is reshaping the landscape
HEALTH Health Tips: Power-packed benefits of pear; Monsoon fruit to strengthen immunity and aid digestion Pear are one of the most amazing vitamin C rich fruit and here are 5 amazing benefits which make it a must add in this rainy season
LIFESTYLE Health Tips: Unraveling top five surprising benefits of Jamun for your overall well being Health Tips: Jamun is such a fruit that has been used in Ayurveda for many years and provides health benefits to humans.
HEALTH Diabetes Epidemic Looms Large; Study Predicts Alarming Rise in Adult Diabetes by 2050 Diabetes Patients by 2050: According to study, the rate of adult diabetes will more than double by 2050 due to fast rising obesity rates
HEALTH How to book an online appointment at AIIMS Delhi, 10 easy steps explained AIIMS Delhi: Sajjan Singh Redhu is the name of the person who was beaten, according to reports. He lives in the village of Igrah.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Powerhouse of benefits! Five reasons to eat Papaya Health Tips: Papaya has innumerable benefits which are essential for the human body. Its consumption gives relief from many health problems.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Five proven benefits of lemon for skin, hair and more Health Tips: Lemon has innumerable properties which are very useful for the body. If lemon is consumed daily, then the body remains healthy.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: From processed sugar to saturated fat, food items that diabetic must avoid Health Tips: A diabetic has to follow a strict diet so that the sugar level remains under control. For that he should avoid some food items.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Health Tips: Five best exercises that are effective to burn belly fat Health Tips: Anyone can lose weight and get a toned shape through exercise. Include these exercises in your weight loss routine.