VIRAL Viral Animal Video: Rat Mother saved her Baby from King Cobra, watch the video Viral Animal Video: Social media is a platform where anything can go viral. Once again a video is getting viral on social media.
VIRAL Viral Video: The young man interfered the horse's drunken dance, got kicked by the horse Viral Video: These days we have no idea what will go viral on social media. These day a video has been going viral on social media watching which you will not be able to stop your laughter.
VIDEOS Viral Video: Man Draws With Both Hands Without even Looking At The Board, Users Are Shocked! Viral Video: A man can be seen drawing a picture with both hands, and the best part? Well, he isn’t even looking at the drawing board.
VIDEOS Viral Video: Relatable Chimpanzee Walks Around with Fruits Stuffed in Mouth and Hands Viral Video: Animal videos are aplenty on the internet, whether they’re funny, or plain adorable. This video doing the rounds happens to be both.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Viral: Swiggy offers Rs 5000 to identify Delivery man on a Horse Viral: Swiggy has launched a ‘Swiggyman on the horse’ hunt for this delivery agent
VIRAL Viral Video: Due to Heavy rainfall, Swiggy delivery boy uses Horse instead of Bike In a viral video, an amazing sight was witnessed on the streets of Mumbai. In this clip of a few seconds, a Swiggy delivery boy is seen going on a horse in heavy rain, who was out to deliver food.
ENTERTAINMENT Leena Manimekalai: Arrest Leena Manimekalai trending. Why? Filmmaker Leena Manimekalai has been criticized by netizens, after the poster of her documentary film ‘Kaali‘ was released. Maa Kali is shown smoking a cigarette. Apart from this, she has a trident in one hand and the flag of the LGBT community pride flag in other.
WORLD Teacher's Sweet Reaction to Finding Out Why Students Call Her GOAT Wins Over Internet Keeping up with modern lingo is not the easiest task, even for young people themselves!
VIRAL Viral Video: Lightning Strikes Boat Off Florida Coast The Florida Coast Guard rescued seven passengers when lightning damaged their personal vessel 100 miles off Clearwater as seen in the viral video.
ENTERTAINMENT Viral Video: Gentle Giant on its Best Behaviour A video is going viral of an elephant peacefully requesting a man to make way on the street.