Diwali gifts tax

Income Tax News : Income Tax Department Sets Up Control Room to Curb Misuse of Money Power During Maharashtra Assembly Elections

Income Tax News: In preparation for the upcoming General Elections to the Legislative Assembly of Maharashtra 2024, the Income Tax Department has taken steps to prevent the misuse of money power. The department has established a dedicated control room in Pune to monitor and curb any financial irregularities that could affect the fairness of the election process.
1 Min read
Punjab News

Punjab News: Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann Sends Primary Teachers to Finland for Training, Shares Details with Media

Punjab News: Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann announced today that a group of primary school teachers has been sent to Finland for training, marking a significant step in improving the state's education system. Addressing the media in Delhi, the CM emphasized the importance of providing teachers with global exposure to enhance the quality of education in Punjab's schools.
1 Min read
Operation combing

Punjab News: Punjab Police Busts Cross-Border Smuggling Network Using Drones

Punjab News: In a significant breakthrough against drug smuggling, Punjab Police's Counter Intelligence unit in Pathankot, along with Gurdaspur Police, has apprehended one individual and seized 1.35 kg of heroin in a joint operation. The arrested suspect is reportedly part of a cross-border network that has been using drones to smuggle drugs from Pakistan into India. The investigation is ongoing, and further arrests are anticipated.
2 Min read