LIFESTYLE Sadhguru tips: Wake up energetic every morning by following these simple hacks Sadhguru tips: It is crucial to maintain a normal digestion process if you want to keep your body strong and healthy. For this reason, it is deemed appropriate to eat regularly and includes foods that are easy to digest in the diet.
HEALTH Revolutionary Study Unveils Shocking Link, Obesity May Lead to Permanent Brain Alterations Obesity: In an era where fitness is not just a lifestyle choice but a life-defining factor, a shocking new revelation may just tip the
CURRENT AFFAIRS World Blood Donor Day 2023: Become a Hero, Gain a Health Boost - the Unexpected Benefits of Donating Blood World Blood Donor Day 2023: Every year, the 14th of June marks an important event on our calendars, as the globe acknowledges World Blood Donor Day.
LIFESTYLE Sadhguru tips: From tackling cancer to improving skin texture, revealing five benefits of Flaxseeds Sadhguru tips: Indian households have been using flaxseeds for ages for their potential health benefits. Just one serving of flaxseeds provides an abundance of protein, fiber, and Omega 3 fatty acids.
CURRENT AFFAIRS From Kawasaki disease to Cardiac syndrome X, five rare heart complications that you must know There will be awareness about some diseases related to the heart, one of the major organs of the body, but there are many cardiovascul
CURRENT AFFAIRS Harnessing the Power of Music: A Therapeutic Approach to Alzheimer Music, with its profound emotional reach, can significantly enhance the quality of life for people with Alzheimer. Recent studies have illuminated its power to reduce behavioral issues and agitation that commonly characterize the middle stages of the disease
HEALTH Sleepless Nights May Be Your Heart's Worst Enemy Insomnia: Imagine being trapped in an endless loop of wakefulness when all you desire is a sound sleep. Insomnia, a widespread condition
HEALTH Top 5 facts about PCOS you should know To bridge the knowledge gap surrounding this lifelong health condition here are five significant facts to help understand PCOS
HEALTH Bihar news: Govt. Rejects proposed site for AIIMS Darbhanga Project BIhar news Project will have to wait some more time to get started as the proposed project has been shown a Red Flag
LIFESTYLE Sadhguru tips: Seven ways to enhance your immunity naturally Sadhguru tips: India has hot and humid weather currently. Going out in scorching heat can affect your immunity in various ways.