HEALTH Food and Drug Authority (FDA) Alert: Older adults who take Pfizer Covid Shot risk developing brain stroke The updated Covid-19 shot, manufactured by US pharmaceutical company Pfizer Inc. and German partner BioNTech, may be associated with a type of stroke in older adults, according to warnings issued on Friday by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
NATION Women responds to “peed on herself” accusation by terming it a “Malicious & false campaign” One day after the man accused of urinating on the woman on an Air India flight seven weeks ago claimed he did not do so and that his elderly companion urinated on herself, the accuser has refuted the assertion, calling it false and concocted.
BUSINESS Google: Investments made by OEM’s, developers, and industry will suffer as a result of the CCI order Google said on Friday that India is at a turning point where the stakeholders must work together to lower access barriers and make safe and secure smartphones accessible to everyone, supported by a thriving digital ecosystem. This comes as the battle between Google and the Competition Commission of India (CCI) has reached the Supreme Court.
NATION Atal Pension Yojana (APY) – Giving succour to the vulnerable, all you need to know The Atal Pension Yojana (APY), which was introduced on May 9, 2015, aims to establish a universal social security system for all Indians, with a focus on the poor, the underprivileged, and unorganised sector workers. Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority oversees APY (PFRDA).
NATION Today’s Top 10 News: From PM Modi’s pitch to reform international institutions to India's flying World Cup hockey start, here are the top picks for you Today’s Top 10 News: DNP News brings to you top 10 breaking stories of the day to keep you abreast of all the latest developments from India and around the world.
BUSINESS India’s annual retail inflation drops to 5.72% in Dec 22 due to lower food costs According to government data released on Thursday, India's annual retail inflation decreased to 5.72 percent in December from 5.88 percent the month before. Inflation decreased by 0.4% between November and December 2022, compared to a reduction of 0.1% between October and November 2022.
CURRENT AFFAIRS National Food Security Mission: National mission to provide 1.4 billion Indian citizens with enough dietary grains, all you must know At its 53rd meeting on May 29, 2007, the National Development Council (NDC) approved a resolution to launch a mission to boost the yearly output of rice, wheat, and pulses by 10 million tonnes, 8 million tonnes, and 2 million tonnes, respectively, by the conclusion of the Eleventh Plan (2011-12).
NATION Shankar Mishra: Passenger seemed to have peed on herself! I didn't pee on her On Friday in Delhi, Shankar Mishra, the man accused of peeing on an elderly female co-passenger on an Air India flight, performed a startling U-turn and asserted that he was not responsible for the repulsive crime. The assertion by the accused's lawyer, made for the first time since the scandalous incident on an Air India flight from New York to New Delhi on November 26
States Kanjhawala Case: Union Home Ministry directs Delhi Police to suspend 11 cops for dereliction of duty 11 concerned policemen have been suspended for negligence a day after the Union Home Ministry ordered Delhi Police Commissioner Sanjay Arora to suspend all personnel posted in three PCR vans and two pickets along the route where 20-year-old Anjali Singh was dragged and killed in the early hours of New Year's Day.
BUSINESS Vodafone plans biggest round of layoffs in 5 years, to cut hundreds of jobs In an effort to control costs and boost its faltering performance, Vodafone plans to cut hundreds of jobs over the next five years. The majority of the positions, which will number in the hundreds, will be located in Vodafone's London headquarters.