Viral News: Unbelievable! A Village where men are banned, Only women can live; Check out the name here

 Viral News: Unbelievable! A Village where men are banned, Only women can live; Check out the name here

Viral News: Men cannot comprehend the extent of the anguish that women have endured for millennia. They have had to endure insults from all nations. Men are primarily to blame for their state. Women were unable to obtain the status, independence, and power enjoyed by males in this culture. As a result, the ladies formed their community with all they needed. There are trees, plants, animals, birds, and pure air; only the presence of men is lacking. Today we'll tell you about the only town in the world where males are not allowed to enter.

About the Unbelievable Village

The reports state that Umoja is the name of a community in Kenya. Although it appears to be just like every other village in the globe, it has a significant peculiarity that is uncommon in villages. There is a prohibition on the admittance of men in this community. The settlement is managed and administered by women. This community was founded roughly 30 years ago. Refugee women are residing here. These ladies make up a relatively minor portion of the Masai community's Samburu tribe.


Samburu women are reportedly treated as their husbands' property. They have little legal protections. They do not have the right to land or animal rights. These women are frequently coerced into underage marriages with older men, and occasionally they are also given circumcisions. Additionally, they experience domestic abuse and sexual harassment. According to some sources, British troops allegedly sexually assaulted these ladies there in the 1990s. After that, their spouses turned them down. The Inside Over website states that at the time, women from the Samburu tribe reported 1400 or more rape occurrences.

More About the Village

The same torture was also inflicted to Rebecca Lolosoli. When no one paid attention to her, she established Umoja, a community, together with roughly 15 other women. Umoja is the Swahili word for unity. Because of the women's collective might in this town, men were not allowed to enter at all. This village now has roughly 40 households, all of whom are made up of women and children. Selling traditional bead garlands is one way that women make money. Men from the nearby village frequently steal their animals to bother them. However, such ladies are not discouraged by such behaviours. In this hamlet, women control the government, make a living, and take care of their family.

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