Global Power: China striving Hard To Dominate Asia and reduce US Domination in the Region, Countries Don’t Believe its Intention

 Global Power: China striving Hard To Dominate Asia and reduce US Domination in the Region, Countries Don’t Believe its Intention

Global Power: The global power struggle has been persistent in different regions of the world from time to time. In the recent past, it was between two energy blocs with OPEC+ tilting their balance towards the Russian bloc. The recent political history will remind us that Beijing retreated into its shell after the deadly Covid19 virus emanated from China and spread across the globe – bringing catastrophic damage to humanity. The onus for the colossal loss was indisputably directed towards China which it could not disown publicly. On the other hand Russia, after its invasion of Ukraine has been at loggerheads with all barring India and China. The latest signal from the G-20 summit at Bali has weakened Putin’s resolution, as allies India and China gave subtle hints of shifting their stance, a stand that would alienate Russia further. In the coming days, Putin would be busy shaping a well-thought-out withdrawal modality from Ukraine,that does not tarnish his reputation and settles his ego.

3 Global Powers – The US, China and India to dominate geopolitics

In the present scenario, there are three global powers left to dominate geopolitics – the US, China and India. Here we have to remember that America and Russia have always tried to control the world, and have wielded their influence in various corners of the globe. After the Russian disintegration, the US remained the only superpower. From the beginning of the 21st century, China started emerging as another economic and military power, and by the time Covid-19 spread out from China, it had consolidated its strength and replaced Russia as the principal adversary of America.

China replaces Russia to confront the US head-on

And now with Covid-19 taking a back seat in geopolitics and Russia having to retreat for its Ukrainian challenges, China once again gets an opportunity to come out of its shell and stretch its neck to re-establishing itself as a formidable force confronting America. And at present the battleground is Asia.

Xi-Jinping secured his third term as President of China and is seeking to dominate Asia and reduce the US influence in the region, especially for consolidating his domestic clout. Jinping tried to exploit the recent Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit in Bangkok, by critically stressing the need for a confrontation-free Asia, a pretence for keeping the US at bay. Jinping intentionally did not name the United State in order to avoid a direct confrontation with the Americans.

China and the US will never come together on these issues

There are a few issues which remain as the ‘apple of discord’ between the two superpowers – The Ukraine conflict, Taiwan issue, North Korea’s Nuclear and ICBM chauvinism and the transfer of technology vis-à-vis trade and tariff war.

In a bid to promote China as a decisive intermediary in pending international disputes, Jinping is closely looking for such opportunities, regardless of umpteen disputes and unresolved issues at home. Further, the Chinese Premier is trying to boost his persona globally for consolidating his 3rd term and thwart any opposition or dissension at home.

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China has many disputes at home – Jinping promoting himself as an International mediator for all disputes

In furthering his game plan, Xi has recently met the leaders of Germany and Pakistan. He was proactive in offering solutions to the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz with regard to the energy crisis in Europe, although the EU was antagonized with Scholz. The meeting of Xi with Scholz was highlighted by the State Media of China as an incredible evidence of the global eagerness in seeking China’s intervention in resolving all bilateral and multilateral conflicts. The recent APEC summit was optimally used by China as a potent platform to promote its dispute-resolving new-found expertise, as Xi met many international leaders including the Prime Minister of Japan, Singapore and President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. from Philippines, on the sidelines of the summit.

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However, Xi’s initiative to promote its personal aspirations is not cutting much ice as Asian countries like Indonesia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines prefer to maintain neutrality in the Sino-American confrontation while keeping strategic equidistance from the US and China who have always proffered an expansionist approach in the past.

India carries a distinct laissez-faire role

India at best carries an independent identity, while it endeavours to ensure its individual interests; it never carries any aggressive expansionist agenda. Although India wields enormous global clout, today, for espousing its individual cause it never tries to infringe on the sovereign interest of any country, be it big or small. The world at large would be looking for a friendly country of formidable strength for eliciting its unconditional support without any apprehension or distrust.

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