3 Yoga Asanas Can Keep You Young Even After 60

Author: DNP News Desk Date: 30/03/24

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Women take care of everything but forget about their health and body because of which they have to face issues like weight gain etc. That is why, it is okay to do Yoga Asanas for a healthy lifestyle.

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Yoga Asanas for 60 and above ladies

These are 3 Yoga Asanas that ladies above the age of 60 can do easily. These yogas are recommended by an expert from Ludhiana.

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Adhomukha Svanasana 

This Yoga Asana increases flexibility, reduces stress, strengthens the backbone, and also maintains better blood flow in the body.

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Stand straight. Keep the hands in the front, and knees straight, and try to bend. Try to make a V shape. Both hands should be on the ground.

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This yoga keeps the mind fresh, reduces tension, and maintains positivity. It strengthens the lungs, issues related to cough are reduced and the face glows.

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Sit with your back straight, inhale air in the lungs, and then exhale rapidly, try to do this Asana 10 times in 1 go. 

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Vrikshasana strengthens the legs and core, it reduces fat from the body, and maintains the shape of hips and thighs. It also keeps stress, tension, and depression away.

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Stand straight, then bend one of your legs preferably the right leg put that leg on the left leg, and try to keep the balance. Keep the hands in 'Namaskar Mudra'. Stand in the position for some time and then repeat with the other leg.

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