10 Worst Earthquakes of All Times

Author: DNP News Desk Date: 04/04/24

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Valdivia, Chile, 1960

The biggest Earthquake ever recorded was in Valdivia, Chile in 1960. This Earthquake was of magnitude 9.5. 5700 people were killed.

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Alaska, USA, 1964

The second most powerful earthquake was in Alaska USA in 1964. It was the biggest earthquake in US history.

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Sumatra, Indonesia, 2004

This is the biggest earthquake ever occurred in Asia and the worst ever. It was of 9.1 magnitude and caused an uplift in the ocean affecting 14 Asian countries including India, Thailand, and Sri Lanka. It killed 228000 people.

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Tohoku, Japan, 2011

This Earthquake is also one of the deadliest ones. It Killed almost 22000 people.

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Severo-Kurilsk, Russia, 1952

This is the biggest recorded earthquake in Russia. This Earthquake took many lives.

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Chile, 2010

This earthquake occurred on 27th Feb, 2010 and it was of 8.8 magnitude felt in the early hours of that day. The intense shaking lasted for 3 minutes.

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Rat Island, USA, 1965

An Earthquake in Rat Island in the USA in 1965 caused a tsunami wave of 10m in height.

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Assam, India, 1950

This 8.6 magnitude earthquake caused massive landslides and land ruptures. It happened between Assam and Tibet. Almost 4800 people were killed in this. 3300 were in Tibet, and 1500 in India. 

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Aleutian Islands, USA, 1946

In April 1946, an 8.6-magnitude earthquake caused massive destruction in the Aleutian Islands which are located in Alaska USA. It is one of the most destructive earthquakes that occurred in the USA.  

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Indian Ocean, 2012

On 11th April 2012, a massive 8.6 magnitude earthquake hit the lands of Indonesian province of Aceh. The damage was majorly of buildings.

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5 Most Disastrous Earthquakes of Taiwan

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