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Meat, especially red meat is a rich source of heme iron which makes it easier for the body to absorb iron. This helps with the proper oxygen flow in the body.
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Brown rice is also rich in iron, which is essential for haemoglobin. It is also great for people with cholesterol issues.
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Citrus fruits are rich in Vitamin C, which helps the body absorb iron from food.
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Green Leafy vegetables such as Kale and spinach are also rich in iron, along with other nutrients like calcium and minerals.
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It has been reported that an egg can contain up to 1 mg of iron, which can help fight various diseases related to haemoglobin.
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Nuts and seeds are also rich in iron along with other essential nutrients that facilitate proper flow in the body
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Fish contains Vitamin A which helps the body absorb more iron from food
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Broccoli contains both Vitamin A and C that helping the body absorb more iron. Along with this, it is a rich source of iron itself and Vitamin B complex.
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Beans also contain iron and folic acids that generate red blood cells in the body.
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Tomatoes are a rich source of vitamin C along with other acids. Drinking tomato juice can increase the haemoglobin level drastically.
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