FATF will decide on Pakistan grey list status

 FATF will decide on Pakistan grey list status

FATF's regional arm Asia Pacific Group has retained Pakistan in the 'Enhanced Follow-Up' list due to its failure to curb terror funding and money laundering. The Pakistani attempts to get out of the gray list of Financial Action Task Force (FATF) have come out as a shock.

The danger of being blacklisted on Pakistan has started to increase.

According to newspaper Dawn of pakistan, ''Pakistan has made little progress in implementing FATF's technical suggestions to end terror funding and money laundering. Based on this, he has been retained in the enhanced follow up in the APG. This is the first follow up report of Pakistan's assessment by APG''.

The report said that ''out of 40 recommendations made by the FATF, Pakistan has made progress on only two. In view of the sluggish attitude of the Pak government in fulfilling the recommendations, it has been retained in the enhanced follow up list. However, the report also said that Pakistan has made progress in some cases''.

The FATF review meeting is to be held from October 21 to 23. In this meeting, it will be decided whether to put Pakistan in the blacklist or not.