Viral Video: Teacher or Robot? Lady Checks Copies on Wedding Day, Asks Kids to Do THIS, Internet Says 'Hey Bhagwan ye Aaj ki Teachers..'

A humorous viral video shows a dedicated teacher bride checking kids' notebooks during her wedding ceremony.

 Viral Video: Teacher or Robot? Lady Checks Copies on Wedding Day, Asks Kids to Do THIS, Internet Says 'Hey Bhagwan ye Aaj ki Teachers..'

Viral Video: A funny viral video was uploaded where one can view a bride who also happens to be a teacher, multitasking while on her wedding day. This video posted by Sejal Gaba on Facebook pictures a bride focused on checking her students' notebooks amidst the festivity of marriage.

A Teacher’s Commitment on Full Display at Her Wedding


As the bride checks copies, her husband questions, "We are getting married today, what are you doing?" Without beating around the bush, she replies, "I am checking notebooks; no one is here yet. Why are you sitting idle? You check these exam copies and give marks, and then I'll handle the attendance register."

The comical exchanges only continue as one congratulates her and reminds her of the morning test the kids have. Without a flinch, the bride responds with she will see everybody at school the following day, telling everyone how committed she is to her students even on her wedding day.

Bride in Teacher Mode Even at Her Wedding

Even as she is enjoying her food with the groom, chaos sets in and kids are running all over her. Alarmed, she exclaims, "Why are these kids roaming around outside? I am going to get a note from the principal for this!" Her husband asks what's wrong; she expresses that she has to keep an eye on the students even on her wedding day. The bride humorously instructs the children to "sit quietly" and "put your finger on your lips," very much in teacher mode despite the wedding atmosphere.

This scripted viral video brings much laughter while also showing the dedication of teachers who blend their professional life quite easily with personal life, so it is highly relatable and entertaining for many.