NATION What is Operation Polo, Know 17 September History Neha Kumari Sep 17, 2020 16:40 GMT Although the date of 13 September looks like ordinary days, but it matters a lot in the history of Hindustan. This is because we got our freedom on August 15, 47, but it was not complete. Many princely states were bent on separation. Among them, the most powerful princely state was Hyderabad, Nizamshahi was there. He refused to accept the rule of Hindustan. Operation Polo is called the military campaign after which the princely states of Hyderabad and Brar joined the Indian Union. This was needed because Nizam Osman, Ali Khan, Asif Jah Seventh of Hyderabad decided to remain independent after the partition of the country. After the independence of India, many princely states wanted their own country. But the Indian government was not ready for this. No argument was in favor of his point. As a result, out of love or rebuke, everyone had to reunite with India. Here the lineage of Asafjah from Samarkand was run. These people were the governors of this princely state on behalf of the Mughals. After Aurangzeb, he was ruled here. They were called Nizams. So in 1948, Nizam Osman Ali Khan Asaf Jah ruled the seventh subjects, mostly Hindus. The Nizam had a dream to have a separate country. For this, apart from his army, he had created a separate army. In which there were people of Muslim community. They were called Razakars. Before this, the Nizam had also gone to the British Government. That they should have their own country under the Commonwealth. But Mountbatten refused. A. G. Noorani has written that Nehru wanted to settle the matter through negotiations. But Sardar Patel did not agree. The main reason Patel opposed the plan & suspected the Nizam’s intention, was due to the geography of the state. Sardar Patel setup an investigation team to find out what the Nizam was upto, and it was found that the he was actually trying to strike a deal with Jinnah to use Karachi port. i.e Hyderabad was trying to build friendly relations with Pakistan, while at the same time, being hostile to India. When India merged, Hyderabad was the largest and more prosperous state than the rest. Its geographical scope was about 82 thousand square miles. It had a population of 16 million at the 1941 census. Of that, 85 percent of the population was Hindu, but 40 percent of the territory's land was owned by the Nizam and the Muslim elite. Till now the agreement with Hyderabad was that you should run your state now. Princely state of Hyderabad also gave crores of rupees to Pakistan. Because of this, both sides kept accusing each other of breaking the agreement. The princely state alleged that the Indian government was surrounded by them from all sides. The government said that you are not using our currency. Arms are being ordered from Pakistan. Making an army of Razakars. What do you want? Read More Read the Next Article