VIDEOS Infants Held Alongside Rifles; Hamas Releases Video of Babies Taken from Israel, Watch Sachin Singh Oct 14, 2023 06:17 GMT Viral Video: Hamas, the Gaza-based armed group that carried out a terror attack in Israel last Saturday and held around 150 people of various nationalities hostage, has shared a video on the instant messaging app Telegram. In this video, armed people can be seen caring to infants in their custody. Video goes viral on social media The video shows an infant in a stroller, along with several other children in the four to six-year-old age range. A man wearing camouflage military attire and carrying an AK series assault rifle across his chest can be seen holding a baby, with the child's back resting against the firearm. Additionally, the video features a group of men pushing a stroller in an attempt to calkm a crying infant. In the video's closing moments, a member of Hamas requests a child to recite "Bismillah" while extending a cup of water. The child complies and accepts the cup. Interestingly, this same child was previously shown at the start of the video seated on a table, visibly upset and crying, as a Hamas member applied a bandage to his ankle, which appeared to be stained with blood. Watch the viral video here You can see their injuries, hear their cries and feel them trembling from fear as these children are held hostage in their own homes by Hamas terrorists and their parents lie there dead in the next room.These are the terrorists that we are going to defeat.— Israel Defense Forces (@IDF) October 14, 2023 Israel and the United States have pledged to exert every effort to free the hostages, who are suspected to be held in Hamas locations throughout the Gaza Strip, an area known for its extreme population density. Casualties continue to rise with Israel Palestine conflict Amid Israel's warning of an anticipated ground offensive against Hamas, a multitude of Palestinians have sought sanctuary in southern Gaza today, avoiding potential harm. Hamas' attack, which resulted in the deaths of more than 1,300 Israelis, primarily civilians, has been likened to the 9/11 incident in the United States. In response, over 1,800 Gazans have lost their lives in a series of missile strikes targeting this densely populated region, a tragic toll that includes a majority of civilians and over 580 children. Keep watching our YouTube Channel ‘DNP INDIA’. Also, please subscribe and follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER. Read More Read the Next Article