TECH Twitter response to govt. notice for blocking accounts Jyoti B Feb 08, 2021 13:47 GMT Social media giant Twitter has responded to the government over direction to block nearly 1,178 accounts with suspected links to Khalistan sympathisers or Pakistan. The government said these accounts were causing a threat to public order amid the farmers’ protest against agricultural laws. A spokesperson of the website on Monday said, "our goal is to respect local law while protecting our foundational principles of free expression”. “Twitter is guided by principles of transparency and empowering public conversation. If we receive a valid legal request about potentially illegal content on Twitter, we review it under the Twitter Rules and local law. If the content violates Twitter’s Rules, the content will be removed from the service. If it is determined to be illegal in a particular jurisdiction but not in violation of the Twitter Rules, we may withhold access to the content in the location only. In all cases, we notify the account holder directly so they’re aware we’ve received a legal order pertaining to the account. Our goal is to respect local law while protecting our foundational principles of free expression,” a statement from Twitter came. pakistan Read More Read the Next Article