Top 5 WhatsApp tricks that Make you a Pro on the Platform, Check Out

 Top 5 WhatsApp tricks that Make you a Pro on the Platform, Check Out

WhatsApp: There are certain secrets that not everyone is aware of, despite the fact that WhatsApp is one of the most widely used messaging apps, used by billions of individuals as well as businesses. Thus, perhaps there's still anything fresh to learn about your preferred app. These five WhatsApp tips that are included in this article will definitely come in handy.

Top 5 WhatsApp tricks that will make your life easier

Hide the blue ticks

When a message is sent and read, the blue ticks that appear next to it are helpful since they notify the user. When you don't respond to someone right away, those blue ticks may become problematic. Disable your read receipts as the solution. Here's how to carry it out: Uncheck the "Read Receipts" box after going to Settings -> Account -> Privacy. However, there is a constraint. Note that the read receipts for the group chat will still be visible despite this functionality.

Responding privately to a group message

A group discussion can occasionally include comments made by an individual to which you would like to reply. Naturally, you have the option to reply to the individual within that collective. You could, however, maintain privacy. Within a WhatsApp group chat, you have the ability to tap and hold a message. Next, choose Respond privately by tapping the three dots (hit more on iOS) or the three dots on Android.

Stop images and videos appearing in your gallery

WhatsApp downloads pictures and videos to the gallery on your phone automatically. There is a way to prevent WhatsApp from keeping images and videos on your phone, which some users find bothersome because it uses up bandwidth and storage. Select Settings after launching WhatsApp. Navigate to Media Auto-Download and select one of three scenarios: When Using Cellular Data, When Connected to Wi-Fi, and When Roaming. Uncheck the boxes for Images, Audio, and Video to turn off auto downloads.

Retrieve deleted messages

By now, all users are aware that messages on WhatsApp can be deleted. However, a lot of individuals are unaware that these can still be recovered. This can be done for a maximum of seven days. You will need a Windows machine for this. Link the smartphone to your PC using the relevant WhatsApp account. Next, access the internal memory of the smartphone by opening My Computer. Next, select the WhatsApp/Databases folder and search for msgstore-yyyy..dd..db.crypt. Click and hold the right mouse button over this folder, then choose Open with -> Notepad.

Block a contact

Even if WhatsApp lets you communicate with friends and family, there are moments when you feel as like you don't want to talk to them. Fortunately, blocking a contact on WhatsApp is easy. To be clear, the contacts you blocked will not be able to see your status updates or call you. WhatsApp won't notify blocked contacts that they have been blocked if you block them on the messaging service. You are free to unblock them at any time. Here's how to carry it out:

  • Launch WhatsApp.
  • Select "Specific Chat" under Settings. Press the contact information button at the top. Navigate to the bottom and select Block Contact.

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