Elon Musk shares a 20 Year-old Steve Jobs clip on X, Check its Relevance Here

 Elon Musk shares a 20 Year-old Steve Jobs clip on X, Check its Relevance Here

Elon Musk: Even though Apple co-founder Steve Jobs passed away thirteen years ago, he is still regarded as one of the most inspirational businesspeople of all time.

Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, posted an old video conversation with Steve Jobs on his platform X. Jobs is heard discussing the necessity for the proper people behind a brilliant concept in this 1995 video.

Elon Musk shares Steve Jobs video

Jobs clarified in the video that people misunderstand the significant craftsmanship needed to turn a brilliant idea into a terrific product. He emphasised that a concept changes and is improved upon as it develops.

Jobs in the interview, said, “One of the things that really hurt Apple was after I left, John Sculley got a very serious disease, and that disease… I’ve seen other people get it, too. It’s the disease of thinking that a really great idea is 90% of the work, and that if you just tell all these other people, “Here is this great idea,” then, of course, they can go off and make it happen.”

Jobs emphasises the value of a group of people working passionately on a project they are passionate about. He related a childhood meeting with an 80-year-old guy who showed him how to turn common rocks, water, and grit powder into something extraordinary by letting them swirl in a canister.

“The next day, we discovered stunning polished stones,” Jobs said.

After talking with the elderly man, this was a “metaphor for a team working really hard on something they’re passionate about is that it’s through the team, through that group of incredibly talented people, bumping up against each other, having arguments, having fights sometimes, making some noise, and working together, they polish each other and they polish the ideas, and what comes out are these really beautiful stones.”

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