LIFESTYLE Are Home-Cooked Meals Unhealthy? ICMR Reveals Shocking Details - Check Learn how to make nutritious and tasty home-cooked meals according to the ICMR's new standards. Reduce sugar, fat, and salt; maximise nutrition.
HEALTH The Silent Killer! H3N2 Virus Claims six Life in India H3N2 Virus: The influenza virus H3N2 has claimed the life of one individual in Karnataka. The victim was a resident of the Hassan district,
HEALTH No need for fourth dose of COVID-19 vaccine given current evidence: Ex-ICMR chief Dr. Raman Gangakhedkar, the former head of epidemiology and communicable diseases at ICM Rrejected the necessity to receive the fourth dosage of the COVID-19 vaccine
CURRENT AFFAIRS ICMR and DHR unveil centres at 7 IITs to foster Med-tech innovations The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and the Department of Health Research (DHR) unveiled ICMR and DHR Centre of Excellence (COE) in 7 IITs all across the country.
HEALTH India reports 27,254 new coronavirus cases, 219 fatalities On Monday, daily coronavirus disease (Covid-19) infections in the country fell below 30,000 for the second day in a row.
CURRENT AFFAIRS Findings of ICMR's serosurvey, Kerala at bottom of list According to the findings of a serosurvey done by the ICMR, Madhya Pradesh has the greatest seroprevalence in India and Kerala has lowest.
HEALTH ICMR approves Home-based RAT testing kit for COVID-19 The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) on Wednesday approved a home-based rapid antigen testing (RAT) kit for COVID-19. However, it is adviseded to use only on symptomatic individuals and on immediate contacts of laboratory confirmed positive cases.
HEALTH ICMR fresh guidelines for RT-PCR test The ICMR suggested that States set up mobile testing systems. The advisory also said RAT should be upscaled to meet the demand and that States should decide on the payment modalities.