EDUCATION CTET 2022: Exam schedule released. Check out the link for admit cards here CTET 2022: Applicants can access their CTET Admit Card 2022 by entering their application number and birthdate.
EDUCATION NCVT ITI 2022 Result Out: Here's How to Check the Result? NCVT ITI 2022 Result Out: National Council for Vocational Training, Industrial Training Institutes (NCVT ITI) result 2022 is declared today..
EDUCATION EDUCATION: Some tips for NEET aspirants to win over pressure and anxiety tips to follow during neet prepration
EDUCATION EXAM TIPS: Here are some expert tips for UPSC aspirants upsc prepration tips and tricks to follow
CURRENT AFFAIRS NEET-PG 2021 exam postponed due to big rise in Covid-19 cases NEET-PG exams to be postponed after a huge rise in Covid-19 cases. The exam will be rescheduled later said the Union Minister.