HEALTH Everything You Should Know About Red Eye During This Monsoon Season Eye infection is one of the most common eye problems. This infection can be caused by bacteria (bacteria), virus (virus), fungus (fungal) or any other type. There is no specific age for the onset of this disease and it can also affect both the eyes at the same time. Along with this it can easily happen from one person to another.
HEALTH Madhya Pradesh News: 'In 6-7 days we've attended 700-800 patients', Chatarpur's government hospital sounds alarm over this VIRUS Madhya Pradesh News: In Chatarpur district's government hospital 700-800 cases of Conjunctivitis were reported within a week. Doctors have
HEALTH Air pollution: Does bad air affect your eyes? Yes, here's how you can protect them  Air pollution: It's crucial to practice prevention and take good care of your eyes, especially now that winter is here.