Saharanpur Viral Video: Reprehensible! Minor’s Wild Thar Ride Ends in Chaos on Streets, Hits Cars and People, Watch

A viral video from Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh, shows a youngster straining to drive a Thar through a tight roadway, resulting in many accidents and pandemonium.

 Saharanpur Viral Video: Reprehensible! Minor’s Wild Thar Ride Ends in Chaos on Streets, Hits Cars and People, Watch

Saharanpur Viral Video: A latest viral video capturing a dangerous incident of driving in Saharanpur, Uttar Pradesh has set the social networking site on fire with serious concern and amusement. It was shared on Twitter by Sachin Gupta showing the handles taken by the young driver in Thar at a very narrow street. The caption is "What happens when the keys of Thar come in the hands of minor boy, watch."

Chaotic Driving Incident

In the Saharanpur Viral video, the Thar is seen careening down the street with first impact from a parked car. Then comes the chain reaction as the vehicle's erratic maneuvering continues. The young driver apparently lost control of the vehicle then hits several people at the street, and it ends up in a chaotic scene. The mishap unfolds itself as clumsy and dangerous moves that had highlighted the peril of inexperienced driving in tight spaces.

It wasn't exactly the easiest place in the world for drivers who knew what they were doing to drive through, but with an in-experienced driver behind the wheel, the very narrow streets of Saharanpur were even more challenging.

The Dangers of Inexperienced Driving

There have been numerous reactions on the web as viewers show shock and amusement at the incident. Several of them have reacted by criticizing those in charge of oversight and vehicle security that failed on their part, thus risking bringing about the situation. The local authorities will most likely further investigate this incident to ensure such instances do not occur again.

This is a viral video that strikes a harsh reminder of the risks inexperienced driving poses to the public at large and of the need for measures that keep vehicles out of the hands of minors.