Patna News: Vegetable prices surge after heavy rains, Tomato and Ginger rate hits the roof

 Patna News: Vegetable prices surge after heavy rains, Tomato and Ginger rate hits the roof

Patna News: As a consequence of heavy rainfalls throughout the country, vegetable prices have skyrocketed causing hardships to ordinary citizens. Earlier this year the overbearing heat and droughts had caused increase in price of vegetables and now heavy rainfalls of the Monsoon are the reason for sharp hike in the cost of these edibles.

As per figures there has been a 70% decline in produce of some vegetables.

'Not one vegetable below 50 rupees"

Some reports claim that in Patna there is no vegetable that is priced below 50 rupees. In some cases prices of the vegetables have increased multifold and are hard to get by. There is a significant Tomato scarcity in the country and its cost is above 100 rupees for a kilogram.

The government has stated that the prices will come down in a few days.

Consumer Affairs Secretary Rohit Kumar Singh has said  "The phenomena of price rise in tomato happens every year at this time. Every agriculture commodity in every country goes through a seasonality in the price cycle. In June, prices reached a high level." 

Average prices of major vegetable items

Tomato 100/kg
Ginger 320/kg
Okra 60/kg
Bitter gourd 60/kg
Cauliflower 60/kg
Sponge gourd 50/kg
French beans 120/kg
Pumpkin 50/kg
Pointed gourd 60/kg
Taro root 60/kg

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