States Greater Noida News: Commercial Plots Up For Grabs, Greno Authority Releases Details Discover the most recent commercial property scheme that the Greater Noida Authority has to offer. There are 12 plots available, with sizes ranging from 3,600 to 10,600 square meters, and a reserve price of nearly Rs 1014 crore. Sparsh Goel Jun 28, 2024 09:42 GMT Greater Noida News: The Greater Noida Authority has introduced a 12-commercial plot scheme. In Greater Noida, 12 more commercial complexes will shortly be constructed if all of these plots are allocated. Residents of Greater Noida will find it easier to buy necessities for daily living. At reserve, these 12 plots are priced at around Rs 1014 crore. Directive from CEO NG Ravi Kumar #GNIDA द्वारा वाणिज्यिक भूखंड आवंटन योजना लॉन्च की गई है।पंजीकरण की अंतिम तिथि: 16-07-2024योजना कोड: CPS-1/2024-25अधिक जानकारी के लिए, और पर विजिट करें।#DevelopmentWork— Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (@OfficialGNIDA) June 27, 2024 Following the directives of NG Ravi Kumar, CEO of Greater Noida Authority, the commercial department unveiled a 12-plot scheme on Monday. According to OSD Santosh Kumar of the Authority, plot registration for this program opened on June 26. The area of these plots varies from 3600 to 10600 square meters. Three of these plots are in Delta One, five are in Sector 12, three are in Sector 10, and one is in Sector One. According to OSD Santosh Kumar, brochure downloads are available as of June 26. July 16 is the deadline for registering for the program. July 19 is the deadline for submitting documents and processing costs. These plots will only be distributed by auction. All steps of the process, from application to allocation, will only be finished online. The SBI portal will be used to submit the application. Integration with SBI Portal for Seamless Application The Greater Noida Authority website has been connected to the SBI portal, enabling candidates to submit their applications from there as well. According to ACEO Annapurna Garg of the Greater Noida Authority, the authority created the commercial land scheme in response to investor and resident demand. Following the completion of the allocation procedure, possession will be transferred. When commercial operations begin on these plots, the daily requirements of the surrounding households will also be met. Read More Read the Next Article