PEOPLE Sadhguru Tips: Have Health Issues at Home? Jaggi Vasudev Shares The Miracle Effects of Panchagni Ritual For Well-being K Navya Nov 22, 2023 03:38 GMT Sadhguru Tips Sadhguru Tips: Sadhguru, the yogi has imparted values and philosophy on various topics to the world over time. From debunking myths to giving essential life lessons that surpass all cast, religion and age, these values can be useful for everyone. In a YouTube video shared on the official channel, Sadhguru talks about the importance of having a personal fire and how to do the Panchagni ritual at home. Sadhguru on having a personal Dhuni Just like food, water and air, we also need to have a personal fire. The greatest sadhus always sit in front of their fire which helps them connect with a higher energy. However, one cannot connect with this higher energy by sharing the fire with several others because the energies get merged. Therefore, it is important to have a personal dhuni. For this, one can do Panchagni kriya at home. Panchagni Sadhana Make four triangles in the four corners and two overlapping triangles in the middle, with two inverted triangles. This symbolises the 6 chakras and the 5 elements. To draw this in the house, make use of rice flour, grains or pulses. Then, place a copper plate in the middle and add water to it. On top of this, place a lamp with ghee or sesame oil, and light it. This lamp can be lit in the house for 6-8 hours or even permanently. Moreover, one can meditate around this space as well. This will ward off any health issues that you or your family member may be facing. Keep watching our YouTube Channel ‘DNP INDIA’. Also, please subscribe and follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER. Read More Read the Next Article