Horoscope Today: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo and other signs — check astrological predictions

 Horoscope Today: Pisces, Taurus, Virgo and other signs — check astrological predictions


You’re in for a hardworking and perhaps confusing week. Yet, because the Moon finishes the week aligned with a mysterious angle of your horoscope, you must make sure that everything is open and above board. This shouldn’t be too difficult, given that your mood is generally optimistic, thanks to that happy trio, Mercury, Venus and Mars.

Love Focus: A fresh beginning of a romantic relationship is predicted as per your card reading.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Violet


Once again, it’s money which preoccupies you, although it’s unlikely that you’ll be committing yourself to extra spending unless domestic responsibilities are now urgent. Even then you should put luxuries higher than necessities. You will be in the planning stage at work and you must gather as much information as you can.

Love Focus: If you have been experiencing frequent fights and disagreements with your partner, chances are that it all may get resolved today.

Lucky Number: 15

Lucky Colour: Navy Blue


Some of you are hoping for a hassle-free week. One thing to remember, though, is that this is not an auspicious time for finalising decisions or coming to lasting agreements. You’ve got all the best ideas. In fact you’re brilliant. Yet for some strange reason even your brightest plans seem to come unstuck.

Love Focus: You may feel a special attraction and magnetism towards your partner.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Light Orange


You’re still on the warpath. And why not? Why should you always allow other people to walk all over you? However, you should take notice of the old maxim that a good general only fights battles he knows he – or she – can win. And before you can even stake out your ground, you must finalise your financial plans.

Love Focus: Your courageous side will come into play with your partner today.

Lucky Number: 6

Lucky Colour: Red


What is going on? Well, astrologically speaking, you’re being disturbed by deep anger and half-acknowledged fears. Keep such imaginings in perspective and don’t let them interfere with what could be a highly successful period. Don’t allow the fact that life is moving in your favour to distract you from your deeper purpose.

Love Focus: You may plan for an international trip with your partner or spouse.

Lucky Number: 3

Lucky Colour: Coffee


Push professional affairs forward for all you are worth. If career matters are not your concern then focus on any area of public service which will boost your reputation and enhance the quality of your life. But what is best about the current period is the ease with which you can abandon a long-term responsibility.

Love Focus: Appreciate the small gestures your partner makes to take this relationship to another level.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Green


You have two choices as far as your current strategy is concerned. Either you must focus on the minutiae of domestic and professional struggles, or you may step back from questions of detail and make your principles and beliefs your sole guide. The major factor, though, is the sheer number of secrets people around you are keeping.

Love Focus: Married ones will remain happy and content with their spouse.

Lucky Number: 18

Lucky Colour: Maroon


If anything, financial questions have become more complex in recent weeks. Take comfort from the fact that, in spite of what people may say, there is no need to make a rush decision. In addition, I can say that your long-term interests are being supported. In any case, the Moon is giving you 110 per cent approval.

Love Focus: Work may keep your spouse or partner somewhat occupied for the day.

Lucky Number: 8

Lucky Colour: Dark Grey


The Moon always tends to make your reactions over-emotional, but you may feel you have good cause to be petulant. However, contrary to what you imagine, other people are not having it all their own way. And just because partners are wrong that doesn’t mean that you are always right.

Love Focus: Singles can propose commitment or marriage all will be answered with a yes.

Lucky Number: 22

Lucky Colour: Violet


There doesn’t seem to be any let-up from pressures at work or from the burden imposed by domestic chores, and neither should there be as long as sober Saturn is skulking in discreet reaches of your solar chart.

Love Focus: You will enjoy the peace and harmony in your relationship.

Lucky Number: 2

Lucky Colour: Orange


You are justly proud of your creative and highly individual approach to life, even though other people are often irritated by your unpredictability. Whatever they think, this is the time to pursue your unique ambitions without fear or favour.

Love Focus: New love birds in relationships will experience a strong sense of understanding today with their partner.

Lucky Number: 4

Lucky Colour: Royal Blue


It’s a matter of swings and roundabouts: on the one hand, domestic improvements are proceeding without a hitch and, on the other, you may have to face a temporary disappointment as agreements and decisions are delayed.

Love Focus: You will cherish the most important moments in your relationship and will commit to lifetime togetherness with your partner.

Lucky Number: 7

Lucky Colour: Light Orange

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