PEOPLE Gemini, today you are blessed by positive moon, which may help you to take right decision Jyoti B May 01, 2022 03:47 GMT Aries: Today, positive moon may spread blessing. You may be confident. You may enjoy your work, which may speed up your current project. You may feel healthy. Your desire may come true. People around you will take help from you to solve their problems, which may increase your prestige in the society. Love Focus: Partner’s hidden talents will make you proud. Lucky Number: 22 Lucky Colour: Dark Turquoise Taurus: Today, your moon is negative. You may feel dull and may face some health issues, which may affect your daily routine. Some of your known may betray you, you are advised to keep eyes open. You may be confused in taking right decision. Love Focus: Lover may frustrate your plans for an outing that you had been wishing for long. Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Magenta Gemini: Today you are blessed by positive moon, which may help you to take right decision in making investments. Your past investments may give you profit also. You may likely to start working on a new project which will give you benefits in long term. Love Focus: Love at first sight cannot be ruled out. Lucky Number: 11 Lucky Colour: Peach Cancer: Today you may be busy at work. Your focus towards your goal is now clear, which may help you to complete your task before deadline and with the perfection. You may also enjoy your happy moments with the family. Singles may likely to find soul mate. Love Focus: A treat from lover promises to make your day. Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Light Red Leo: You are blessed by moon, with the help of elder’s blessings, you may come out last week’s messy situation. With the help of destiny, you may observe some progress in the life. Your spiritual power may help you to take right decision. Your financial condition may be improved. Love Focus: A bright day is foreseen for those in love. Lucky Number: 2 Lucky Colour: Light Blue Virgo: Today you will be a victim of negative thoughts. Impatient nature and arrogance will push you back from taking difficult decisions. You will be in need of blessing of your elders, which will help you to grow into your work front. Should avoid to make investments in dead assets. Love Focus: A passionate evening is in store. Lucky Number: 8 Lucky Colour: Parrot Green Libra: You are bless by moon Today, you may expect to hear some good news in terms of profession. Domestic life may be in full swings of joy. You are advised to avoid to make arguments on worthless topics in the family issues. You can take important decisions in making investments in assets. Students may be focused in their studies. Love Focus: Saying it with flowers or a thoughtful gift may brighten up the romantic front. Lucky Number: 17 Lucky Colour: Forest Green Scorpio: Today is good for your work, you may perform well at work. Your seniors may give you some responsibility in terms of promotions. You may be in the winning position in some litigation. Kid’s health may be better now. You may likely to meet with any investments consultant for the for kids future. Love Focus: Profess undying love for your heartthrob to win him or her. Lucky Number: 15 Lucky Colour: White Sagittarius: Today you may be busy in kids issues, You may likely to go for short trips in terms of kid’s academics. You may be able to do difficult task in an easy way. You may spend on buying some artefacts or household stuff, which will improve your life style. You may also spend on your friends and family members. Love Focus: Partner may be a bit harsh, but will talk sense. Lucky Number: 9 Lucky Colour: Magenta Capricorn: Today you may have dull feeling, some sort of negativity may be noticed around you. Dull feelings may make you, it is advised to control your way of speaking, harsh speaking can create problems around you. You may likely to deny any suggestion given by your well wisher. Love Focus: Partner is likely to win your heart by catering to your every whim! Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Dark Grey Aquarius: Today, you are blessed by moon. Self respect may help you from negative people around you. You may likely to be more emotional in family related issues. You may perform well at work, you may likely to complete your task on time, which may boost your confidence. Love Focus: Those in love are likely to become victims of lover’s suspicion. Lucky Number: 3 Lucky Colour: Magenta Pisces: Today you are blessed by moon, you may be able to control spending over worthless stuff. You may likely to meet some adviser or to get some direction, which may help to invest your savings into the better options, which may boost your financial health. Love Focus: Partner’s warmth and affection is certain to put you in a cheerful mood. Lucky Number: 4 Lucky Colour: Royal Blue For all the news update subscribe our YouTube channel ‘DNP India’. You can also follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM and TWITTER. astrology horoscope Read More Read the Next Article