Here's everything you need to know about NCC

 Here's everything you need to know about NCC

National Cadet Corps (NCC), the largest uniformed youth organisation in the world, is celebrating its 73rd anniversary of its raising today on November 28, 2021.

About National Cadet Corps

The NCC, with its headquarters in New Delhi, is open to school and college students on a voluntary basis as a ‘tri-services organisation’, comprising the army, the naval, and the air wings.

Although officially founded through the Act of 1950, its history can be traced back to the ‘University Corps’, which was created under the Indian Defence Act 1917 with an objective to make up for personnel shortage in the Indian Army. The National Cadet Corps also expanded later on to include the Girls Division in 1949 to provide equal opportunities to women willing to serve the country's defences.

Motto of NCC

The need for having motto for the Corps was discussed in the 11th Central Advisory Committee (CAC) meeting held on 11 Aug 1978. The mottos suggested were “Duty and Discipline”; “Duty, Unity and Discipline”; “Duty and Unity”; “Unity and Discipline”. The final decision for selection of “Unity and Discipline” as motto for the National Cadet Corps was taken in the 12th CAC meeting held on 12 Oct 1980.

Aim of National Cadet Corps

The NCC aims at developing character, comradeship, discipline, a secular outlook, the spirit of adventure and ideals of selfless service amongst young citizens. Further, it aims at creating a pool of organized, trained and motivated youth with leadership qualities in all walks of life, who will serve the Nation regardless of which career they choose. Needless to say, the NCC also provides an environment conducive to motivating young Indians to join the armed forces.


Benefits of NCC certificate 'C'

  • Indian Army

In every regular course of the Indian Military Academy (IMA), 32 vacancies are reserved for the ‘C’ certified NCC candidates.

The cadets with 'C' certificate are exempted from CDS examination conducted by UPSC. But for this, the cadet must have 'A' or ‘B’ grade in 'C' certificate.

NCC 'C' certification offers you 10–15 bonus marks in paramilitary forces recruitment i.e. BSF, CISF, CRPF, SSB etc.

If you have NCC 'C' certificates then your written exam will be waived off for the post of Soldier GD.

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  • Indian Navy

In Indian Navy, the NCC 'C' certified candidates get 6 extra marks for sailor’s job and 15 extra marks for Artificer Apprentices. Up to 9 vacancies in navy are reserved for NCC ‘C’ certified candidates.

  • Indian Air Force

In Air Force, the NCC 'C' certified candidates get the advantage of 5 marks. In Pilot course total 10% vacancies are reserved for NCC cadets.

  • Public Sector

Many organizations from the public sector give advantages to the cadets with 'C' certification like Indian Airlines, Pawan Hans Ltd, The National Small Industries Corp. Ltd. and many more.

Apart of this, many companies from private sector consider the National Cadet Corps certificates as an advantage. When you mention the NCC certified or achieved NCC 'C' certificate in your resume, it gives a hint about your personality.

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