NATION From Poonch to Lucknow! Muharram 2024 Processions Marked by Solemnity and Devotion Explore the melancholy celebration of Muharram in Kashmir and beyond, as Shia communities honor Hazrat Imam Hussain's martyrdom through vibrant Tazias, somber processions, and emotional customs such as chest-beating. Sparsh Goel Jul 17, 2024 06:51 GMT Muharram 2024: Today, the world over, the Muslims are celebrating Muharram as a special festival for the martyred Hazrat Imam Hussain, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. This mega event celebrated as Ashura is an integral and very important feature of the month of Muharram in the calendar for the Shia community, marked by processions and demonstrations of grief. Mournful Procession in Poonch #WATCH | Uttar Pradesh: Muslim believers carry Tazias to cemeteries and bury them there, as they observe #Muharram2024.Visuals from Lucknow.— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) July 17, 2024 In Poonch, Kashmir, a sea of Shia Muslims thronged to take part in the mournful procession on the ninth day of Muharram. At the religious city of Kashi and Lucknow, preparations for similar processions are underway as the chants of "Ya Hussain" will echo in the streets. According to the Islamic belief, more than 1400 years ago, Hazrat Imam Hussain and companions were brutally martyred in the Battle of Karbala by the forces of King Yazid. That was for the cause of standing and fighting for righteousness against tyranny. Symbolizing Imam Hussain's Tomb Muslim carry Tazia a symbolic replica of the tomb of Imam Hussain during Muharram. Intricately designed and made from colorful paper, it Salt showcases the grief and respect for sacrifice by martyrs. The rituals of Muharram are deeply emotional, in which, as a sign of devotion, youths are among those participants who beat their chest to remember the tragic death of Imam Hussain. It reminds one of the values he stood for with regards to sacrifice, compassion, and justice that bind all Muslims together in this holy period. Read More Read the Next Article