NATION COVAXIN volunteer dies 10 days after taking shot of vaccine Harshit Jan 10, 2021 04:18 GMT A 42-year old daily wage worker in Bhopal died 10 days after participating in the Phase-3 trials of Bharat Biotech's COVAXIN. Meanwhile, Bharat Biotech in their statement had said that the death of the 42-year-old is not due to the vaccination and the matter is being investigated thoroughly. “We cannot confirm if the volunteer received the study vaccine or a placebo as the study is blinded,” the statement said. The postmortem reports of Deepak Marawi stated that suspected poisoning as a cause of death. “There are several factors that can cause an adverse event during a clinical trial, including the patient’s underlying disease, other pre-existing conditions, or any other unrelated occurrence like an accident,” Bharat BioTech said. This SAE has been thoroughly investigated and has been found not related to vaccine or placebo. All data and reports on this SAE have been submitted to Site Ethics Committee, CDSCO and DSMB. We are also continuing to cooperate with the investigation requirements from the Madhya Pradesh Police in Bhopal,” the company claimed. covaxin Read More Read the Next Article