Vastu Tips: Want Your Children to Do Well in Studies? Check Out Rules To Place Study Table In House

 Vastu Tips
Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: A good home study space is crucial for a child's intellectual growth. Therefore, the study table needs to be one of the most promising locations in the house. According to Vastu Shastra, relying on certain rules for your study table can bring good luck to the child's life. Therefore, keeping certain factors in mind such as direction, position, layout etc can help invoke positivity.

What is Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Hindu scripture that uses natural energies to bring harmony to man-made buildings. Harmony between the natural and man-made envokes good energies in space. Here are a few Vastu rules to follow for the study table.

Vastu direction tips for study table

Study tables placed in different directions invoke different energies. Not only this, the direction towards which the child faces while studying is also important. Here are a few directional things to keep in mind.

  • The study table must be installed in the north or east direction of the room. The north direction is especially auspicious because it is where lord Kuber resides, bringing wealth and positivity into life.
  • For children studying political science, east direction is advisable
  • For the children in the athletic field like sports, south direction should be preferred
  • The southeast direction is ideal for the ones studying law
  • North is preferred for the ones studying for competitive exams
  • School students should choose West or Southwest, while the science and commerce students should go for the northwest direction.

Vastu appearance tips for study table

Not only the direction but also the appearance of the study table is also a determining factor. This includes factors such as colour, material, decor and so on. Here are a few things to keep in mind

  • The shape of the study table should be quadrilateral and four-sided.
  • The table should have storage options to keep necessities. This ensures the surface of the table remains clutter-free
  • Long-lasting and durable materials should be used such as wood or iron.
  • The table should have some gap from the wall. This ensures the smooth flow of creativity
  • post inspirational quotes on the wall in front of the study table.
  • Do not eat on the table or place food items on the study table
  • Figures of gods should not be kept on the study table. They should stay in auspicious places in the house like the temple.

In conclusion, all of this will help the child achieve better mental stability, memory, concentration and motivation.

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