Vastu Tips: How Should You Wear Wrist Watches? Follow These Shastra Rules For Wearing it The Right Way

 Vastu Tips
Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: Vastu Shastra is the ancient Hindu tradition that brings balance to the 5 elements of nature. These ancient scriptures are made to form a harmony between the natural and the manmade. Therefore, in this modern world, with the constant development of things, it is important to stay rooted in these rules that will bring good energy into our lives. Therefore, following these rules can bring good luck such as love, wealth and harmony into our lives. Moreover, these are also valid for wristwatches


The size of the watch is very crucial to determine where our life is going. Ensure that the dial of the watch is not extremely big and bulky. Otherwise, this could cause problems in one's personal life like misunderstandings and fights. Therefore, a normal size is to be maintained. At the same time, the dial should also not be very small either.


A wristwatch should always be worn in the dominant hand, generally at the right time. Therefore, whenever we are doing daily tasks, the watch should be on the dominant hand that is used mostly so that it is always in the eye's vision. This will also help keep track of time in the mind.

Watch strap

Ensure that the watch strap is not too loose. According to Vastu, this will deplete our concentration level and cause attention issues. Moreover, it is also extremely uncomfortable and can cause distractions easily.


According to Vastu, the best colours for wristwatches are gold or silver. These colours symbolise wealth and prosperity.

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