Vastu Tips: Follow THESE Shastra Rules For Calender to Usher in a Prosperous New Year

 Vastu Tips
Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: The calendar also plays a vital role in the house. The significance of a calendar, according to the ancient tradition of Vastu Shastra is massive. Therefore, one must be aware of the proper way of maintaining, according to these ancient scriptures. This will mark a prosperous upcoming year filled with health and wealth. Hence, follow these vastu rules for calendar

Get rid of old calendars

As a new year occurs, it is crucial to get rid of all the old calendars as they carry the negative energies of the past. Moreover, a new calendar marks the beginning of a fresh new chapter, filled with new opportunities. Along with this, do not keep old calendars stored. Instead, throw them away as soon as the new year hits. Moreover, it is crucial to note that the new calendar should not be placed above the old calendar at any cost.


The best direction to place the calendar is either west or both. The west direction is apt because it is considered auspicious to keep the calendar in the west for an easy flow of money. However, one can also go for the north. North is where lord Kuber resides. Lord Kuber is the god of wealth and will bless the home with ample finances. However, one must avoid the south direction at all costs. This can cause money loss.


The calendar should be placed on an empty wall that does not have any openings. Avoid placing the calendar near the doors, entrance or even windows. This could lead to wealth problems in the house.

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