Vastu Tips: Are You Pregnant? Make Sure You Keep THESE Rules in Mind For Child's Future

 Vastu Tips
Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: Everybody wants good for their child. However, for pregnant women, extra care needs to be given not only in terms of physical health but also in terms of Vastu. According to the ancient tradition of Vastu Shastra, for the right growth of the child and its future, one must keep in mind certain things since their pregnancy. If you are pregnant, keep these Vastu factors in mind for the best growth of the child and to safeguard their future.


In the bedroom where the pregnant woman sleeps, place an idol of Shri Krishna. Moreover, one can also go for a photo or image of Shri Krishna. This will help ease the mind of the woman and bring happiness. Additionally, it also ensures the baby is born beautiful.

Peacock feathers

Placing peacock feathers in the house is considered auspicious as it can protect the baby from bad energies that could have negative effects on their upbringing

Yellow rice

Sprinkle yellow rice around the house. According to Vastu, yellow rice is very auspicious in a house where a pregnant woman resides.

Iron or copper

A pregnant woman must carry copper or iron items with her at all times. This will help ward off any negative energies and help in protecting the child and the mother.


A pregnant woman must always wear light colours which is associated with positivity. Moreover, these colours are good for the mind and health.

Sleeping position

While sleeping, a pregnant woman should not have their feet towards the south direction. This is considered to be a vastu dosh that can bring bad luck. Instead, sleep with a head towards the south. Moreover, a pregnant woman must never sleep with her hair open and should braid it before going to sleep.

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