Sadhguru Tips: what is the right age to have a love relationship?

 Sadhguru Tips: what is the right age to have a love relationship?

Sadhguru Tips: Man searches for love from birth till his last breath, but around childhood and adolescence, you keep searching for such a partner with whom you can feel a special connection. With whom you can feel love relationship with true feelings. Everyone starts worrying about career since adolescence, in such a situation it is difficult to turn towards love or give importance to studies and employment. Let us know from Sadhguru that what is the right age to have a love relationship.

What is the right age to have a girlfriend or boyfriend?

Recently an intresting question was asked to Sadhguru that what is the right age to have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Sadhguru said that do not make dating a trend, do it only when it is very important. Never be in a hurry to get into a love relationship, rather it is more important to focus on your goal.

Love or career, what to choose?

Nowadays children of 13-14 years get into relationship, but this is the time to groom your career. There is a lot of energy in this age, it is better to channelise it in the right direction, otherwise the future can be dark. According to Sadhguru, nowadays people are putting a lot of emphasis on body-based relationships. It is not necessary that you get physical with your friend when you are in college. Sadhguru did not tell any fixed age of the relationship but definitely advised to pay attention to the true relationship.

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