Sadhguru tips: Joy, the only priority! Five points to consider

 Sadhguru tips: Joy, the only priority! Five points to consider

Sadhguru tips: Every aspect of your life, including how you see and express the world and yourself, will alter when you are essentially joyful and do not need to do anything to be happy, says Sadhguru. Once you are content with yourself, you won't have any vested interest in anyone else. What happens or doesn't happen is beyond the control of human beings. Therefore, when you are joyful, make sure to make the most out of it, and things will begin to fall into place gradually.

Sadhguru, one of the most prominent spiritual leaders, often shares tips that teach us to prioritize happiness over any other human feeling. Today, we are sharing 5 tips with you, shared by Sadhguru, that will lead you on a path of joy.

See That Your Fundamental Duty Is to Be Joyful

The first and most important duty of a human is to be contained within self, says Sadhguru. If you are not happy, even the joyous memories will go in vain. The most important thing in life is not to be happy, but it's the priority. What else can you do with your life if you're not happy? It doesn't matter how do go on with your life, but making a priority is the foremost thing to do, the spiritual guru says. You cannot contribute significantly to the world unless something of actual significance occurs within you. Therefore, it's important to put yourself in circumstances that make you happy.

Recognise Your Original Nature Is Joy

Money, influence, or education, no matter what you are chasing in life, you are doing it because the end goal is to be happy. Because it is our innate nature, every action we take in this world stems from a desire to be happy. Sadhguru says we were not born with it; when we were kids, we were happy and joyous.

Consider the bigger picture

Along with looking at the brighter side, it's very essential to look at the bigger picture. Did you notice how beautifully the sun rose this morning? How the sun grew and how the birds chirped. Every detail is in place when you are happy and looking at everything with your eyes wide open, Sadhguru said.

The main reason why suffering exists is because people no longer understand what this life is all about. The full meaning of what it means to be alive here is long lost in the daily hustle of life.

Look Into The Mind For What It Is

What you refer to as "my mind" is only the trash heap of civilization, it's not actually yours. Every person is here taught about their daily skills, however, not all has to operate the same way. Differences in beliefs may exist and it's important to be mindful of your own set of goals.

Transition from existential to psychological

When we discuss the spiritual process, we mean the transition from the psychological to the existential. Life is about experiencing and fully knowing the creation that is here, not changing it to fit your preferences. Simply put, you simply have to grasp that your thoughts and feelings are unimportant if you wish to enter existential reality. Reality has nothing to do with what you believe. It doesn't really apply to daily life. The mind is simply babbling unfounded information that you have learned elsewhere. If you believe it to be significant, you won't search elsewhere.

Your focus will naturally gravitate toward whatever you value highly. Your entire attention will be focused there if your thought and emotion are significant. That, however, is a psychological fact. That is unrelated to the existential.

We do not receive suffering; rather, it is created for us. Additionally, the factory is in your thoughts. The factory needs to be shut down now.

Stop pursuing and start communicating

Today, we are pursuing happiness with such vigor that the planet's basic existence is in danger. Try to find happiness in others' happiness. Communicate your joy, express your feelings and never fail in the same trap.

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