Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev on What Causes Mental Disorders and How to Overcome Them

 Sadhguru Tips
Sadhguru Tips

Mental health issues are a big topic of discussion around the globe. With no physical symptoms of mental health, there is no fixed physical solution to this. It is very difficult to identify what mental illness we are going through let alone find a solution for it. It is a difficult situation. However, the pain and suffering is as big as any other physical pain. Sadhguru weighs in on this and gives valuable advice

How to deal with someone who is going through mental disorder

He says that people suffering from mental health should be dealt with with the right temperament. They should be given a safe environment to be happy and free. He also emphasises the illness and tells people that it should be taken very seriously and is a real problem.

The complexity of Mental disorder

He also talks about the complexity of having a mental illness. It is very hard to determine what kind of pain might a person be going through as it may not have physical evidence. Moreover, there is no one-size-fits-all solution to mental health issues as everyone goes through their own unique experiences and need unique solution catered to just that.

How to cure mental disorder

Curing someone of their mental illness might be difficult and even impossible. However, it can be reduced or managed with proper care. Therefore, one needs to be empathetic towards the person who is suffering.

He also talks about the margin in society for mental health which needs to be diminished. The traditional structure to deal with these issues needs to be rebuilt with new ones. He expressed a holistic way of treatment for mental health that involves empathy.

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