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 Sadhguru Life Tips
Sadhguru Life Tips

In the universe, we may find ourselves wound up in the Karmic cycle. Sadhguru says that there are ways to get out and break free from this cycle. Moreover, he says that this requires being conscious of one's self which can be achieved through wisdom and self-awareness. But if our thoughts affect the Karmic structure, can we change it by changing our thought patterns?

How Thought Affects the Karmic Cycle

Sadhguru talks about the difference between thoughts and thinking. Thinking is something we actively do, while thoughts come and go without having our control over it. The things in our mind may affect the way we think which results in a chain of thought processes. Therefore, Sadhguru talks about the importance of his teachings that will help you think beyond the Karmic limitations.

According to him, the Karmic cycle takes place every 40 minutes. Therefore, with one's strong consciousness, one can overcome this issue. This can be approached in three ways, slowly over lifetimes, in the present circumstance and the very now. For someone who wants to break through this structure has to have a hold on their mind.

Four Principles to break free from Karmic cycle

There are four principles to break this cycle, according to Sadhguru's teachings

Forgive yourself and others

Is important to reflect on your resentment and forgive the person who caused you distress, to achieve your greater potential. This also applies to the self.

Let go of anger and fear

It is important to let go of energies like anger that have no service to the self-other than causing you displeasure. Fear is another factor that holds you back from becoming your highest self

Be mindful of thoughts, words, and actions

These qualities determine our reality and can be controlled by us by using positive affirmations.

Focus on the present

Lastly, focusing on the present is the most important part as the ones who dwell in the past and worry about the future stay in a negative state of consciousness

Sadhguru Weighs in on the Importance of Psychological Ambience

Apart from this, While performing Sadhana, creating a psychological ambience is important. Otherwise, it will raise only the energy but the mind will be in a low. To avoid this, psychological ambience is must which can be achieved through practice. Moreover, forgetting is not breaking free from the karmic structure. It is acknowledging and detaching from it.

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