Sadhguru Tips: Do You Compare Yourself to Others? Jaggi Vasudev Shows the Way How To Stop Comparing

 Sadhguru Tips
Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Sadhguru imparts wisdom on the never-ending issue of comparisons. As human beings, we cannot be satisfied unless we feel like we are doing better than others. This problem is stopping people from living life to the fullest and being truly happy. Sadhguru gives a quick remedy to this issue and gives a change in perspective that is valuable to all.

Sadhguru on comparisons

Sadhguru starts by saying that the human instinct of comparisons can be very detrimental to the well-being of the person. To this, Sadhguru says that the only thing that determines our happiness and satisfaction is how things work within ourselves. At the same time, he says that the habit of comparing starts from a very young age. Therefore, it will take a long time to rid oneself of this habit

Sadhguru's remedy

Sadhguru says that the only way to fix this issue is by fixing our perspective and focus. Firstly, he says that one should know that they are unique beings and cannot expect others to be exactly like them. Every human has his own experience and personality that makes them unique. Therefore, it is a waste of time to compare ourselves to anyone. However, the best way to rid of this habit is by simply focusing on yourself and working on yourself.

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