LIFESTYLE Sadguru Tips: Do You Channelise Your Intellect in the Right Direction? Jaggi Vasudev Shares Key to Increasing it to 100% K Navya Nov 24, 2023 02:57 GMT Sadhguru Tips Sadhguru Tips: Everyone wants to put their best foot forward when it comes intellect. However, most people cannot perform to their utmost intellect due to several reasons. The yogi and spiritual teacher, Sadhguru throws light on this issue and brings forth the remedy to increasing your intellect that is scientifically proven to work every time. Sadhguru on the human brain Our human brain can work up to a significant level of intellect. However, it has been observed that most humans use only about 10-15% of their brains. However, this is tentative and can be improved by blocking out other things that take up space in our minds. According to Sadhguru one of the biggest factors that stops a person from using their full intellect are the many folds of emotions that one stores within themselves. One must rid themselves of these negative emotions that are stored in our brains. This is not only good for the intellect but also our body View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mystical Yogi SADHGURU (@mystical_yogi_sadhguru) Sadhguru's remedy to sharpen intellect Sadhguru says that if a person can rid themselves of these emotions and can sharpen their intellect by tenfolds. He adds that if a person can go 24 hours without any feelings of distress such as anxiety, irritation and agitation, it can sharpen one's intellect to 100%. This phenomenon is scientifically proven to help your brain function better by changing the blood chemistry. Not only this, it is also beneficial to perform physically better as well. Therefore, the key to improving your intellect is by remaining joyful. Keep watching our YouTube Channel ‘DNP INDIA’. Also, please subscribe and follow us on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER. Read More Read the Next Article