New research shows THIS lifestyle reduces risk of premature death, READ

 New research shows THIS lifestyle reduces risk of premature death, READ

A recent research conducted by La Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health and published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings, reveals that people who live a Mediterranean lifestyle have a lower chance of dying early. The study emphasises the importance and benefits of the Mediterranean way of living and diet.

Mediterranean lifestyle includes only plant based diet

People who live the Mediterranean lifestyle have a vegetarian diet, full participation in society, care for the environment, leisure physical activity and stress control. According to Harvard researchers, it includes only fruits, vegetables, and grains which provide complete nutrition to the body. In addition, the Mediterranean lifestyle promotes healthy eating habits, such as moderate intake of salt and sugar, body rest, adequate physical activity, and socialization.

As per the research lead author, Mercedes Sotos Prieto, Ramon y Cajal Research Fellow at La Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Environmental Health at the Harvard Chan School, this research explains that adopting a Mediterranean lifestyle for non-Mediterranean people is possible. You can live a Mediterranean lifestyle by eating a plant-based diet and using your culture to the fullest.

Visit doctor before making change in diet and lifestyle

It is mandatory to seek expert advice before making any sudden changes in your diet or lifestyle. You must talk to a health expert, doctor or dietician and give them complete information about your health condition. Make any changes in your diet only after discussing with them. Suddenly switching to a completely new diet can be harmful for your health and may cause problems.

This material, including advice, provides general information only. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Take the methods, and claims mentioned in this article as suggestions only; DNP India does not confirm or refute them. Consult a doctor before implementing any such suggestions/ treatment/medicine/diet.

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