Diabetes Management: How to Manage Your Blood Sugar Level Without Medication? Here's What the Expert Recommends

 Diabetes Management: How to Manage Your Blood Sugar Level Without Medication? Here's What the Expert Recommends

Diabetes Management: Renowned MD in medicine and DM in neurology from AIIMS Delhi, Dr. Priyanka Sherawat, offered insightful tips for diabetics on her social media account. She says that the greatest advise for those with diabetes is to consume more fibre rather than just reducing their sugar intake.

Let's check why fiber is a game-changer for diabetic individuals and explore how it can significantly improve your well-being.

Taming Blood Sugar Spikes with the Power of Fiber

Dietary fibre regulates blood sugar levels like a magic wand. Here's how:

  • In your stomach, fibre creates a gel-like material that slows down the absorption of sugar from food. This stops those unwelcome blood sugar surges that can seriously damage your health.
  • Consuming fibre helps you feel fuller for longer periods of time, which helps you avoid overindulging and maintain a healthy weight.

Fiber: The Unsung Hero

Fiber isn't just found in the usual suspects like cucumbers and kakdi. It also lurks in nuts and seeds. Yes, you read that right – diabetic patients can indulge in two almonds and a walnut daily! But why the emphasis on fiber? Well, it turns out that fiber plays a pivotal role in regulating post-meal sugar levels.

Guarding Against Heart Risks

Furthermore, controlling blood sugar levels is important for preventing heart attacks, strokes, and blood vessel blockages in addition to treating diabetes. Having fiber rich diet can also reduce these hazards and improve  general health.

Top Two Diabetes Management Tips

So, if you're seeking for the best diabetes management advice, Dr. Priyanka Sherawat boils it down to two golden nuggets:

  1. Elevate Your Fiber Intake: Whether it's through munching on crunchy veggies or savoring a handful of nuts, prioritizing fiber-rich foods can work wonders for managing diabetes.
  2. Banish Sedentary Habits: Movement is medicine. Steering clear of a sedentary lifestyle can complement dietary efforts, helping keep insulin resistance at bay.