HEALTH Varicose Veins: Are You Worried About Green Veins on Your Legs? All You Must Know About This Problem and How to Combat Discover the actual reason behind foot vein enlargements as well as useful methods for managing varicose veins. Get practical treatment and preventative tips that will empower you to take control of the health and well-being of your feet. Sparsh Goel May 27, 2024 10:19 GMT Varicose Veins: In a recent Instagram post, Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat refuted a widely held belief regarding enlarged veins in the feet. These are nerves, not veins as is commonly believed. As Dr. Sehrawat explained, veins are essentially blood arteries that return blood to the heart, whereas nerves are located in different parts of the body. Understanding Varicose Veins View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr.Priyanka Sehrawat (@docpriyankasehrawat) Varicose veins are the green formations that are sometimes misinterpreted as enlarged veins. The most often mentioned risk factor for this illness is lengthy standing. People who stand for long periods of time experience difficulty in their veins pumping blood upward, which can accumulate and cause swelling. Visible greenish veins are the result of a malfunctioning pumping mechanism, which also causes pain, swelling, discoloration, and darkening or blackening of the skin around the ankles. Avoid Prolonged Standing Dr. Sehrawat provided helpful tips for at-home varicose vein care. She began by stressing the significance of avoiding extended standing positions. If standing for extended amounts of time is inevitable, she suggested taking one to one and a half-hourly rests. People can also raise their feet when they sit by suspending them from a chair or setting them on a stool. During sleep, placing a pillow beneath the feet might also help reduce symptoms. Seeking Professional Guidance Dr. Sehrawat further emphasized the importance of consulting with a general practitioner or vascular surgeon who specializes in treating vascular diseases. It's imperative to speak with a medical practitioner for an accurate varicose vein diagnosis, management, and treatment. Through elucidating the characteristics of varicose veins and offering pragmatic advice for prevention and treatment, Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat's educational Instagram post endeavors to enable people to take charge of their foot health and general well-being. Read More Read the Next Article