The Hidden Dangers of Scented Candles, Check Expert's View on Health Hazards

 The Hidden Dangers of Scented Candles, Check Expert's View on Health Hazards

Dangers of Scented Candles: In a new video posted to his Instagram account, Dr. Sethi discusses the detrimental consequences that scented candles have on lung health and how they can cause chemical pneumonia. These candles release substances that can be harmful to respiratory health, like alkane, which is also present in vehicle exhaust.

Harmful Chemicals in Synthetic Candles

Additionally, the fumes from synthetic candles release paraffin and phthalates, which can upset hormone balance and be harmful to one's health. Dr. Sethi reassures the audience that while candles can have a calming influence on mood, they don't have to give up on their love of them entirely.

Importance of Switching to Safer Alternatives

Making the switch to candles with real wax and natural scents is crucial. People can avoid gradually jeopardising their health by choosing these better options. In order to spread knowledge about the hidden risks included in items that appear to be safe, Dr. Sethi stresses the significance of sharing this information with loved ones.

In conclusion, even though scented candles could seem harmless, if not chosen wisely, they might provide major health hazards. Customers should prioritise their lung health and make educated decisions when buying candles in light of Dr. Sethi's professional recommendations.