HEALTH Surprising health benefits of cloves Devisha Keshri Apr 22, 2021 07:21 GMT Cloves are flower buds that come from the clove tree and this tiny spice has loads of nutrition and healing capabilities. These small spices have a strong mint-like taste that is basically known for their anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory properties that help your body fight many diseases. Just a teaspoon of these tiny spices is loaded with fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin K. It also contains manganese that helps boost memory function while vitamin C and vitamin K boosts your immunity and prevents you from blood clots. This spice has been used to flavour hot beverages and spice up different foods. Cloves also have medicinal properties that can aid in good liver health and stabilize blood sugar levels. Cloves contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, so using whole or ground cloves to add flavor to your food can provide some important nutrients. Originating from Indonesia, this spice is currently used in soups, meat, rice dishes, and sauces. The name clove is derived from the Latin word clavus meaning nail because of its resemblance to a nail. Though this spice has been used in many cooking traditions over centuries, researchers have now begun to understand its health benefits. lifestyle benefitsofcloves Read More Read the Next Article