HEALTH Leg Pain: Do Not Ignore Persistent Pain in Legs! 5 Common Causes and Solutions Explained by Expert Sparsh Goel Apr 16, 2024 19:31 GMT Leg Pain: In a recent Instagram post, Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat listed five typical reasons why people experience leg or calf pain and provided advice on how to avoid discomfort. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dr.Priyanka Sehrawat (@docpriyankasehrawat) Vigorous Exercise Calf soreness and cramping can occur when an inactive phase is followed by an intense physical activity period. To prevent strain, it's imperative to progressively increase workout intensity. Vitamin Deficiency Leg or calf pain may be a sign of vitamin B12 and vitamin D deficiencies. For general health, it is imperative to consume these vitamins on a regular basis through food or supplements. Mineral Deficiency Leg pain may be caused by low iron, zinc, and magnesium levels. You can remedy deficits by adding foods high in these minerals to your diet or by taking supplements. Dehydration Leg cramps and nerve discomfort might be caused by not drinking enough water. To stay hydrated and avoid pain, try to consume two to three liters of water per day. Nerve-related Pain Calf discomfort can result from diseases like sciatica, which is brought on by inflammation of the sciatic nerve. Seeing a neurologist can aid in the accurate diagnosis and treatment of pain connected to the nerves. To prevent these issues, Dr. Sehrawat recommends Maintain Proper Hydration Drink enough water throughout the day to avoid becoming dehydrated and experiencing the resulting leg pain. Check for Vitamin Deficiencies Have your levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin D checked, and treat any deficiencies with supplements or dietary adjustments. Address Mineral Deficiencies Check for iron, zinc, and magnesium shortages and see a physician if levels are low. Consult a Neurologist To determine and treat the underlying cause of any nerve-related pain, consult a neurologist for diagnosis and therapy. Read More Read the Next Article