International Yoga Day 2023: Embracing Mind-Body Connection! Yoga's Role in Combating Depression

 International Yoga Day 2023: Embracing Mind-Body Connection! Yoga's Role in Combating Depression

International Yoga Day 2023: Yoga is becoming more and more respected by health professionals worldwide when it comes to mental wellness. Numerous studies have demonstrated the value of yoga in reducing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, two of the most prevalent mental health problems in the world today.

The Role of Yoga in Managing Clinical Depression

Clinical depression cases are increasing, and its occurrence can be attributed to genetic, social, environmental, and psychological factors. Some of the symptoms of depression include sadness or low mood, irritability, lack of interest in typically enjoyable activities, feeling exhausted without apparent cause, sleeping excessively or insufficiently, changes in weight, increased or decreased appetite, diminished sex drive, low self-esteem, low concentration, forgetfulness, lack of self-care, and suicidal or self-harming thoughts. According to a study in the Journal of Psychiatric Practise, yoga can be an effective supplemental therapy for people who are suffering from clinical depression or severe depressive disorder. Within a month of starting a yoga practise, the study's subjects shown a significant improvement in sleep quality, serenity, and happiness. Their level of physical tiredness as well as their anxiety and depressive symptoms subsided.

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Series of Asanas, Pranayama, Meditation, and Mudras

  • Vajrasana in Apana Mudra: Gently lower your knees. Your heels should be on your pelvis. Keep your heels a short distance apart. Hold Mudra Apana. To balance the Apana Vayu present in the body, we link the tips of the middle and ring fingers with the tip of the thumb in the Apana mudra.
  • Naukasana in Adi Mudra: Lean back and lie down. To stand on your sitting bones, raise your upper and lower bodies. Hold your back and legs straight. Hold the Adi mudra while keeping your arms parallel to the ground. In both hands, place your thumb against your palm and use the tip of your thumb to lightly touch the base of your little finger joint. Then, pinch your remaining fingers together (thereby minimising the space between them) and wrap them around your thumb to create a fist.
  • Savitriasana (Kneeling back bend): start off in Samasthithi. Kneel down slowly on your mat. Keep your heels and knees in line with one another. Put your back in a straight position, raise your arms, and look forward. Don't stay in this position for too long.
  • Vajrasana in Suchi Mudra: Gently lower your knees. Your heels should be on your pelvis. Keep your heels a short distance apart. Keep the Suchi Mudra. Place both fists in front of your chest, clenching them tightly. Point the index finger upward while extending the right arm to the right. Likewise, extend your left arm to the left as a unit.
  •  Sukhasana (Happy Pose): Fold your left leg and tuck it behind your right thigh while sitting up straight. The right leg should then be folded and tucked behind the left thigh. Your palms should be on your knees.

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