HEALTH Health benefits of Turmeric & Some Quick Remedies For Cough and Cold. Devisha Keshri Feb 07, 2022 17:53 GMT In winter, everyone wants to stay warm and avoid problems like cough and cold. Many people suffer from the problem of cough and cold in winter. They take medicines to get instant relief. But today we will tell you some home remedies by which you can get rid of the problem of cough and cold. Know about them below: Turmeric is very helpful in reducing the problem of cold. Anti-viral and anti-bacterial elements are found in turmeric, drinking a spoonful of turmeric mixed with warm milk provides quick relief in cold. Turmeric milk is also known as golden milk since the presence of turmeric gives the milk a golden or yellow tint. This healthy Indian drink is also becoming popular worldwide as it has many benefits. Mix five to seven basil leaves in a cup of hot water. Put a piece of ginger in it as well. Let it boil for some time and make a decoction of it. When the water is reduced to half, drink it gradually. Consumption of honey and lemon juice is very beneficial for the body. By taking a mixture of two spoons of honey and one spoon of lemon juice with lukewarm water, you can get rid of the problem of cough and cold. Read More Read the Next Article