HEALTH Health benefits of pomegranate juice, from boosting immunity to protecting the body from diseases Devisha Keshri Feb 13, 2022 10:32 GMT Pomegranate juice is being used as medicine for thousands of years in our country because pomegranate juice contains more than 100 phytochemicals. Many types of research done regarding pomegranate juice have revealed that pomegranate juice has many benefits for the body and in many research, it has also been claimed that it also helps a lot in the treatment of cancer. It is said that pomegranate contains more antioxidants than other fruits. It contains 3 times more antioxidants than green tea and orange. A glass of pomegranate juice can supply your body with Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Pomegranate juice is beneficial for the heart, blood, cancer, digestion etc. It also works to reduce atherosclerosis, which causes heart diseases. Also, pomegranate juice reduces the amount of bad cholesterol and increases the amount of good cholesterol. People who regularly consume pomegranate juice maintains the level of blood sugar. Despite the amount of fructose in it, it does not allow the level of blood sugar to increase. Along with this, blood pressure also remains fine and it can be more beneficial for people who deals with high blood pressure. Pomegranate removes bad elements from the body and prevents the growth of cancer and other diseases. It contains high amounts of antioxidants which is beneficial for white blood cells. It also increases the immunity to fight against diseases. At the same time, its juice helps the stomach, liver to function smoothly and increases appetite. Experts say that drinking pomegranate juice is more beneficial during summers. Pomegranate juice improves your digestion, removes urinary infections and improves the flow of urine. Read More Read the Next Article