Do's and Don'ts of Intermittent Fasting! THESE Individuals Should Never Follow This Weight Loss Method

 Do's and Don'ts of Intermittent Fasting! THESE Individuals Should Never Follow This Weight Loss Method

Intermittent Fasting: Although intermittent fasting is becoming more and more popular as a nutritional fad, not everyone should follow it. Here are some significant contraindications to intermittent fasting:

Pregnancy and Lactation

It is improper for pregnant or nursing women to fast since they require enough nutrition for the growth of the fetus and the production of milk.

Under 18 Years of Age

Fasting may interfere with the balanced diet that adolescents need for growth and development.

Type 1 Diabetes

To avoid problems, individuals with type 1 diabetes, particularly those who are insulin-dependent, require stable blood glucose levels.


Fasting can make migraine sufferers' symptoms worse since blood sugar swings can aggravate headaches in migraineurs.

Criteria for Avoiding Intermittent Fasting

If a person fits into any of these criteria, they should refrain from intermittent fasting. Prioritizing your health is very important, and you should speak with a doctor before beginning any fasting program. While some people may benefit from intermittent fasting, it's important to understand its drawbacks and make sure it's appropriate for your particular health situation.